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Father’s on Fatherhood

Father' on Fatherhood

It may seem like yesterday that you graduated high school and now you are going through the life-changing journey of Fatherhood. The young, selfish and immature views of the world disappeared when your daughter or son arrived and suddenly you were their protectors.

While fatherhood isn’t a walk in the park (more like Jurassic Park), It's also an incredibly rewarding experience. Not only are we teaching and guiding our children through life, at the same time they are teaching us to much about ourselves.

In reality, no dad has it ‘figured out’ and chances are he’s just winging it along the way. There’s one thing we will always love (and roll our eyes at) and that is their dad jokes and funny quirks reminiscent of those daggy TV dads with the laugh-out-loud punchline.

We had the pleasure of chatting to Matt (our CEO), Mark (our National Sales Manager and husband to Mel), and Rob (Emma’s husband) about their thoughts and experiences with Fatherhood.

This is Matt! Our CEO and adoring father two his two beautiful children, Sebastian and Amity

What it means to be a father?
That there are people that completely rely on you for their survival. It changes your priorities completely and they come first from the moment they are born.

First thought when your first child was born?
OMG they have cut my wife in half. I made the big mistake of looking over the curtain when my wife had a C-section. I am not ashamed to admit I cried at the birth of both my kids.

What do you love doing with your kids?
Different things with both of them. My son loves his trains, so it is awesome to sit down and create these elaborate wooden railway tracks. My daughter and I visit a coffee shop together just the two of us every Saturday. It is the thing I look forward to most during the week.

Best and worst advice given to your kids?
Best advice – do as I say and not as I do.
Worst Advice – Just put your skiis on and go down the mountain, Dad will be right behind you, meanwhile they disappear down a steep hill

What is the best thing you did in isolation?
Purchased a slot car track and now all three of us have races together. I pretend I am letting them win, but really, they kick my butt.


This is Mark! Husband of Melissa (our Founder) and adoring father of two beautiful girls, Jazmin and Charli.

What it means to be a father?
Love be a Dad to my two girls Jaz & Charli. Extremely proud , but also excited about the future as they both grow and develop.

First thought when your first child was born?
Holy S@#t – An amazing experience, surreal moment… but filled with joy.

What do you love doing with your kids?
Love seeing them both react to new experiences, seeing them do something for the first time & the emotions displayed – Joy, excitement, surprise.

Best and worst advice given to your kids?
Best advise I’ve been given is to ensure I’m 100% engaged when spending time with them. Worst advise… Give them more sugar!

What is the best thing you did in isolation?
Got a Donkey! Yep an actual Donkey – Keeps Jaz happy for hours…

This is Rob! Husband of Emma (our Social Media Coordinator) and adoring father two his son Hudson and excited for baby number two on the way.

What it means to be a father?
You no longer just care for yourself (and your partner), you are responsible for your beautiful (cheeky) little baby. You want to offer them the world, protect them and teach them the things you love (and dislike haha).

First thought when your first child was born?
MY WIFE IS A MACHINE! I faint with needles and the sight of lots of blood so naturally Emma was concerned that I may pass out in the delivery room, but I chucked on my big boy boots and suddenly the adrenalin kicked in. When Hudson was born, I just couldn’t believe my eyes and I was so in love and in awe of how strong Emma was. (No, I did not pass out phew)

What do you love doing with your kids?
Hudson is almost two and that’s right, he’s going through the terrible twos. Aside from the tantrums and his fascination with getting into the fridge, we love going for walks together, cuddles in bed and play-wrestling on the floor.

Best and worst advice given to your kids?
Best advice – I mean, he’s nearly two so It's mostly me trying to stop him putting his hand down the toilet and climbing on the kitchen table.
Worst Advice – “Shit, he’s cut his lip open Emma! I’ll give him a Zoopa Doopa ice-block.” (Just before bed and the sugar rush kicked in which resulted in no sleep). Not really advice, just a poor decision)

What is the best thing you did in isolation?
I worked from home 5 days a week while minding Hudson 3 days (while Em was at work) and although trying to work and mind a toddler sounds like a nightmare (and it did have its moments), I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I am thankful I got to spend so much time with my little guy during lockdown. Some parents often miss out on a lot due to work commitments and I didn’t want that to happen. They really do grow up fast.

Thank you to all of the Dads, Uncles, Grandparents and Father-figures who are making a difference in their children's lives. 

PF x