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Our Impact On The Environment

Here at PF HQ, we’re committed to limiting our impact on our beloved environment by reducing, reusing, and recycling whatever we can, whenever we can — every single day.

Here’s some of the most impactful changes we’ve made so far:

📦 All PF goodies are posted to our customers in recycled cardboard boxes.

📏 Speaking of boxes – we keep a range of sizes on-site, so we can select the smallest box possible for postage. This way, we use the least amount of cardboard possible, as well as the smallest amount of void-fill packaging.

✓ We use paper tape instead of plastic to keep all your PF purchases safe and secure.

🥂 Excess glass and cardboard waste? You’d better believe we recycle that, too.

⚪ We say ‘no’ to non-eco-friendly void fill, and instead, choose recycled paper.

💡 Here’s another bright idea: we’ve installed energy efficient lighting throughout our office and warehouse.

☕ Coffee, tea, smoothies and H2O keep our HQ on the go, but we’ve got no time for disposable cups. Instead, we gift reusable water bottles and coffee keep cups to team members instead!

👍 Team PF are always encouraged to make environmentally friendly choices wherever they can throughout their workday.

While we’re proud to have made such a great start on our sustainability journey, we’re not done yet.

There are still lots of things we can do to evolve our business and improve our impact, and we’re excited to share all the changes we make along the way!