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How to Nail Your Next Wedding Gift

How to Nail Your Next Wedding Gift

present wrapping

You've hired a suit, spent up big on a new formal-length gown, and paid for some pricey accommodation in wine country (during peak season, of course). You are, in essence, the perfect wedding invitee - but there's another little tradition that can trip up even the best of guests: the wedding gift. They say it's the thought that counts, but on their wedding day, the bride and groom are probably expecting a little more than: "it was on sale", "I bought it at the petrol station on the way in", or "Everybody needs four pairs of tongs, don't they?" There's a reason that Google produces 577,000,000 results for the search term 'bad wedding gifts', and they all seem to have a common thread: they were a waste of money, because they were something the happy couple couldn't (or wouldn't) use. This wedding season, here are our simple tips to ensure you're remembered for all the right reasons.

  1. Keep it simple, and sane Trust us - the happy couple will not appreciate:
  • Live pets. When you're trying to start out on your new life together, the last thing you want is another living, breathing roommate.
  • Exercise equipment. Nothing says 'your pre-wedding diet wasn't successful' like the gift of an exercise bike.
  • Inappropriate gifts. Giving someone a copy of the best-selling book "How to Survive Your Split" may seem funny to you after a few pre-wedding champagnes, but trust us - the bride and groom won't see the humour.
  • Edible items. When they come back from their trip-of-a-lifetime honeymoon, the last thing your newlywed pals want to be dealing with is cheese and crackers that are well past their use-by date.
  • Anything that used to reside in your house. In the immortal words of Seinfeld: don't be a re-gifter. And don't forget to take off price tags before you wrap, either - especially if you got that salad bowl at a heavily, heavily discounted price.

Instead, stick to things you know the couple wants and can use. We're sure they'd prefer to receive a great gift that they'll treasure, rather than the $5 marriage joke book that you were sure they'd adore.

toilet coverthe office

  1. Keep it close to their hearts

Remember: this gift is about the happy couple. What are they interested in? You might think cooking a Sunday roast is nothing but hard work, but if they love spending time in the kitchen, a gift that appeals to their interests will never go wrong. It doesn't have to be all Tupperware and blenders. Get a retro-inspired paddle chopping board, or an engraved tapas serving board, and you're sure not to have double-ups. Anything personalised with their names and wedding date is sure to get extra points.

  1. What do they love to do together?

Some couples love doing jigsaw puzzles; others feel closest when they're skydiving. The magical part about love and relationships is that they're all completely different. Stick to activities you know they enjoy, or that are part of their relationship already. If the couple has a 10-year tradition of a glass (or two) on a Sunday night, you might like to treat them to their own personalised deluxe whiskey decanter, or a set of engraved, gift-boxed champagne glasses.

  1. Have a little fun

We're not saying that you can't get something a little out-of-the-ordinary. Quirky gifts often speak to your bride or groom's personality, and the special relationship you have with them, which is something that should be celebrated. Try this printed wooden mini cricket bat for a groom who is batting above his average - or an engraved wooden wedding hammer for the hard-to-buy-for guy who loves to spend time tinkering in his shed.

  1. Would you like to receive it?

Got an idea for a pressie that's a little left-of-centre? Above all, just remember to take a minute and think to yourself: would they be happy to open this up in front of their nearest and dearest friends? You'll thank yourself come the wedding day.

Be the best gifter you can be - whatever the occasion.

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