You turn to your Dad for advice because you figure that they’ve been there before and don’t that. Just because they are older (and assumedly wiser) doesn’t always mean they are right.
They often pass along ridiculous old wives’ tales or confusing advice in the hopes that it will steer us in the right direction.
In among some of the worst or cheesy advice are gems of wisdom, guidance and love from our Fathers.
Let’s take a look at some of the best and worst advice as given by Dads. If life has taught us anything, It's that we have to take the good with the bad, right.
"My dad (who has a BA degree in finance) told me that you can use credit cards as free money as long as you pay the minimum payments." – Simon
"One from my dad a number of years ago: 'Money is there to be spent. If you have it, spend it, enjoy it. There's no point in hanging onto it.'" – Janet
"Marry rich. University is too expensive." – Helen
“I asked my Dad if I looked fat in my swimmers at the beach and he said “keep drinking and you won’t care.” – Lisa
“As a teen, I shouted at my Dad: It's not your job to embarrass me! He replied “I know.” The smiled and said “It's one of the perks.” – Heather
“At the airport my Dad said “put one shoe in each suitcase so if it gets stolen, they can’t wear your shoes.” – Laura
“A bad storm was coming and my Dad called to say these caring words, “make sure my BBQ is covered and undercover.” – Matt
“My father taught me the importance of making my bed every morning. When I was six years old, he showed me how to complete the task Marine Corps–style and would inspect my work on a daily basis. Today my bed is one of the only things in my life that is consistently neat and orderly.” (Sigh.) – Mary
“How important it is to have fun. My Dad is never boring and always made mundane errands exciting. I always try to see the lighter side of life.” – Nat
“When I was growing up, my Dad always made sure that I could do anything a man could do. He showed me how to use power tools, install things, repair and build things. He loved playing dress-ups too and bought me my first bit of makeup. He showed me that I could be feminine and self-sufficient.” – Wini
“When I first entered the working world, my Dad told me that It's as important to remember the assistant’s name as the boss’s. It's good manners, but It's also smart business: After all, if you ever need something, you won’t get to the boss unless you’re on good terms with the person who handles her schedule. Having worked as an assistant myself, I know firsthand that he was right. I would make a point to go out of my way to help people who treated me kindly.” - Caroline
“Before I got married, my father advised me to avoid complaining about my husband to my friends. If you don’t hash out problems with your spouse, he said, you might start harbouring resentment toward him or cause your friends to view him negatively. Because of this sound guidance, my marriage is thriving.” – Lara
What is the best or worst advice your Dad has given you? Share your stories via our social media channels!