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How to write the perfect wedding card message

How to write the perfect wedding card message

As a wedding attendee, you are required to fulfil a number of duties. In addition to purchasing a thoughtful, affordable and individualised gift for the happy couple, adhering to a dress code and arriving at a desired destination on time (!), you're also expected to come up with a special, sentimental and sometimes Hallmark-worthy wedding card message in exchange for your attendance. We are the first to admit this is not everyone's forte. As such, we have devised a fool-proof step-by-step formula for writing the perfect wedding card message. The arriving on time part, we can't help you with.

wedding gift

Wedding card DOS

The main purpose of your wedding card message is to congratulate the newlyweds on this milestone event and wish them well as they begin the journey of married life together. If you're attending the wedding, you should also thank them for including you in their celebrations. (We elaborate in full detail in our step-by-step guide below).

Wedding card DON'TS

Only address your card to one half of the happy couple

No matter who is your main connection to this wedding, or your own personal feelings toward their respective bride or groom, don't ever address the wedding card to only one half of the happy couple. All wedding cards should be addressed to both partners as a sign of their new nuptial union.

Include explicit detail

Wedding cards are not the forum to share embarrassing or crude memories or messages, especially at the expense of the bride or groom. Rule of thumb: if you wouldn't want the bride's Grandma to see it, don't write it.

Write an essay

This wedding aint all about you. Keep your message short and sweet and focus on the couple at hand. They don't need to read a tome about your lifetime achievements or scroll through your complete history with the happy couple.

Make spelling errors

Don't commit wedding faux pas #1 and misspell the bride's name. Check your invitation to make sure you have both the bride and groom's names spelt correctly and if spelling isn't your strong suit overall, type your message on a device with a spell-check function before handwriting it on your wedding card.


Step-By-Step Formula for Writing the Perfect Wedding Card Message

Step 1: Congratulate: The main purpose of any wedding card message is to congratulate the newlyweds. Suggestions include:

1. Congratulations to my favourite couple on tying the knot!

  1. So happy you two have made it official. Game, set, love for a perfect match.

Step 2: Well wishes for the future: Include positive messages of love and happiness for their future. You may also feel it appropriate to share your own personal words of wisdom or advice. Suggestions include:

  1. Best wishes for a lifetime of love, laughter and happiness.
  2. 2. All the best for a wonderful future together. The secret to a happy marriage is..

Step 3: Personalise your message: Sharing a memory is the ideal way to personalise your wedding card message. If you don't have a memory that includes both the bride and groom, try to remember information one first shared with you about the other. Suggestions include:

  1. I knew you were meant to be together since that time when..
  2. After I heard he/she was a (insert name here) fan, I knew you'd found your forever person.

Step 4: Say thank you: Being invited to attend a wedding is a privilege. Express your gratitude for being a part of this special event. If you can't attend, offer your apologies for not being present. Suggestions include:

  1. It is an honour to share in your special day.
  2. I'm so happy to be here/ sincerely regret I can't be there to witness the two of you make it official. 

Step 5: Sign off your sentiments: End with warm wishes and a signature. Before you close, you can also reiterate your congratulations. Suggestions include:

  1. Best wishes for today and always, Name
  2. I can't congratulate you enough, Name

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